Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


Python Facial Tracking

Webcam tracking using Python and OpenCV

A really simple concept when you think about it, right? Not exactly, this was my first side project that I worked on solely in Python. It continues to be one of the projects I can't stop going back to. In other words, I have some ideas that plan on implementing what I learned from this project, to create new projects!


Grilled Cheese

Part RomCom, Part Standup Special

Started out as my quarentine project, now currently my passion project. Written, directed and starring Me. I've spent many hours already on it, and I'm probably going to spend many more. You can't rush perfection!


Madison County Historical Townships Web App

Web App to inform users of The historical townships of madison county

Designed using Adobe XD, its a fully funtional prototype that will be later developed. My team of three other students are in frequent communication with the clients, and are currently in development of the initial framework. We are using Flutter with HTML and CSS. Stay tuned to further development updates!


Dont know what to put here

Maybe some project ideas that I have swarmin around in my head

Sorting Visual Comparison

Keep it simple basic and to the point.

Email Client

Set up using and let users communicate through emails.

A.I. and Computer Vision

Got Pi and a camera, combination with python = gold

Become a pilot

"Do pilots have driver license where their picture is mid-sneeze"

Raspberry Pi web server

I enjoy multiple flavors of pi, time to make a pi web server


Self-Proclaimed bodyguard. Strictly on a volunteer level, my client is my pet "bear"

Call me. Beep me. If ya want to reach me.

Send me a message, a question, anything. Whatever works for you friendo!